Crafts Night

This evening posed a challenge to the creativity and inspiration of our young Christians, who displayed exceptional enthusiasm in exploring talents that may have remained undiscovered until now.

In a world full of hustle and speed, moments dedicated to creation become a true oasis of calm and introspection. They not only provide an opportunity to pause and reflect but also encourage us to connect with others in a wholly unique and invigorating way.

These moments of creation are not just a break but also a bridge that connects us to others. As we delve into our own creations, we discover that we are part of a larger creative community. Whether expressing ourselves through visual art, music, or other forms of expression, this shared act of creation becomes a language through which we understand and share our experiences.

Therefore, in a world in constant motion, moments of creation become an anchor, highlighting the beauty and depth of life. It's a call to pause and reflect but also to connect and authentically commune with fellow travelers on this path of creativity.

We started our evening with a harmonious song and prayer, followed by an engaging icebreaker. This included a series of questions designed to bring out more information about each participant and their unique character. Questions such as "What are three character traits you would like to see in a person?" (sincerity being the most frequently mentioned), "Which country would you like to visit?" and "What would you do with 1,000,000 euros?" were explored (revealing that we have many talented entrepreneurs among us).

These questions not only provided fascinating and varied answers but also contributed to strengthening the bonds between us. We discovered not only interesting aspects about each participant's preferences and dreams but also created an open environment to share ideas and encourage diversity in our community.

Through this initial activity, we successfully built a friendly and open framework, paving the way for an evening full of authentic connections and shared experiences.

We established the beneficial practice of seeking the blessing and guidance of the Lord at the beginning of each meeting, not only for each participant but also for our guests and the events that lay ahead.

Our colleagues, Minodora and Oana, provided a detailed introduction to the world of craft evenings. They carefully prepared all the materials needed for making handmade decorations and demonstrated two practical models, giving us a starting point in the world of manual creation.

Oana drew our attention, especially that of newcomers, to the purpose of our meetings and provided a detailed overview of the Ethos Impact mission.

Jars for candles and various decorative fabrics, each more colorful and unique than the other, vintage and modern items, many directly sourced from nature, were made available to us.

We proposed that these decorations could be gifted to loved ones as a gesture of friendship and love. Through these gifts, we saw an opportunity to invite young people to these Christian gatherings.

Participants demonstrated creativity and crafted some truly original and personal decorations.

Lucian delighted us with a biblical presentation that perfectly complemented the theme of our creative evening. It was not just a presentation but also an interactive discussion where we explored the verses: 1 Thessalonians 4:11 - "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you." This teaching encourages us to seek tranquility amidst the busyness of life, attend to our daily responsibilities, and dedicate our work with an open heart.

Proverbs 22:29 - "Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank." This wisdom reminds us of the importance of mastery in what we do. When we dedicate ourselves to our tasks with skill and passion, we can rise before the royalty of life and make significant contributions to our community.

Thus, the biblical topic prepared by Lucian brought spiritual depth to this night of creation, connecting us with our Christian values and providing practical guidance for living a meaningful and contributive life.

This time, we had the pleasure of welcoming new faces, which brings me great joy, and I warmly hope they return among us on other occasions.

The evening concluded in a tranquil atmosphere; people were thankful for what they accomplished with their own hands, for the snacks prepared by the Ethos team, and I can say they left more encouraged through the biblical message shared.

Thanks to everyone involved in the successful execution of this activity and the indispensable help provided by the Ethos Foundation.

Pais Naomi-Estera

Medic Resident at Spitalul Judetean de Urgente Craiova

Crafts Night
Pais Naomi November 23, 2023
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Floorball at Ethos School