Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.( Colossians 3: 23, 24)
With joy and confidence, we gather today in a medical meeting of young Christians, where medicine and faith come together in a harmony of care, compassion, and understanding. This assembly is not just a simple convergence of science and spirituality but also an opportunity to explore how these two dimensions of our lives can collaborate harmoniously for our well-being and that of those around us.
Once again, we are brought together by the common desire to understand the role of medicine in the context of our Christian faith. Medicine, as an instrument of healing, and faith, as a moral and spiritual foundation, intersect in our quest for health and wholeness. Today, we will explore how we can enrich our trust in God and better understand the ethical principles that guide medical practice in the light of our faith.
I hope that this meeting will not only be a moment of knowledge but also an opportunity to connect authentically, to share experiences, and to support each other in both the medical and spiritual domains. Together, we explore how we can bring Christian values into the workplace and how we can live out our faith in every aspect of healthcare.
This evening marks a pinnacle in the success of our AMCR gathering, owing to the enthusiasm of our participants for both learning and socializing. Additionally, we owe our success to the presence of our distinguished guests, whom I will have the pleasure of introducing in the moments to come.
After our team prepared everything necessary to welcome the guests, they gradually gathered, and a friendly atmosphere quickly enveloped the space, facilitating interaction among them. The evening commenced with prayers and praise songs. We extend our gratitude to Sebi, a young dental student eager to assist in our activities. He skillfully led us in song, utilizing his gift with the guitar in the way the Lord has endowed him.
We were delighted to see new faces at this gathering and to witness the joy of reunion among these young individuals. This was my desire: to observe people genuinely enjoying the fellowship, being present in the moment, and simultaneously being able to bring them together in praise of the Lord within the medical context in which we find ourselves.
We believed that an interactive medical icebreaker could deepen their connections and inspire them to overcome any hesitations or shyness. In this activity, each team of 2 or 3 people is tasked with crafting a skit where they portray an organ or a part of the body, navigating through different physiological or pathological scenarios encountered in daily life.
They handled it remarkably, and I noticed that imagination is still very much alive at this age. At the end of the game, they had to present these scenes, and I think we all enjoyed their comedies in a pleasant way.
Meanwhile, the pizza arrived, and how could we let such a praised delicacy, which had been lauded throughout the evening, cool down? Of course, we all eagerly dove in to taste it, how else.
Following the presentation of one of our distinguished guests, Dr. Tamara Ioana, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for her gracious acceptance of our invitation to join our medical meetings. We are especially thankful for her willingness to share insights from her extensive experience accumulated over the course of her medical career.
The presentation addressed by Dr. Tamara Ioana focused on the stages of orthodontic treatment for both children and adults. This highly engaging topic, aligned with the latest medical practices, sparked considerable interest among the audience, drawing attention from both professionals in the medical field and those outside it.
As an open and dedicated professional, she successfully conveyed her passion to the audience, leading to a series of captivating and diverse questions from the participants. This subsequent interaction added value to the presentation, turning it into an educational and stimulating experience for all attendees.
Towards the conclusion of the presentation, the doctor shared some motivating words with us, both as current and aspiring doctors. She encouraged us to do everything with love for those around us, as the Lord
teaches us and take a leadership role in our endeavors, being the head rather than the tail in all that we do.
We were pleased to have had Manfred Metzger among us at one of our medical meetings at AMCR Craiova. He is a person passionate about the Lord's work and the spread of the Gospel, who has supported us in all our recent activities. We thank him for his involvement and for making the purpose of Ethos known at this medical meeting.
We can say that the doctor made the entrance of our last special guest, Ewald Dorner, who greatly encouraged us with his testimony about how God had him in His plan and how he returned to Him from "above the clouds."
Ewald captivated us with his experiences throughout his career as a mechanic, UN soldier, gendarme, Cobra officer, undercover narcotics investigator, helicopter pilot, security agent, and police officer. He shared with us how the Lord worked in his life since adolescence when he led a life full of extremes in all areas, and how later the Lord made him fear and lose pleasure in the things he once loved. The Lord used the right people at the right time. It's amazing how the Lord works in various ways that we may not realize at the moment, but are later revealed to us.
We thank Ewald for deciding to visit us in Craiova, for the work you have done here and continue to do in our area, and for choosing to dedicate this time to the young medical students from AMCR Craiova whom you encouraged and strengthened in their faith and medical pursuits.
This was followed by a series of questions directed to our guest and a time of communion and socializing- simply put, it was a time of genuine quality.
I concluded the evening with singing and prayers,
all dedicated to the most significant guest among us—our Lord.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to each person who contributed to the success of this program: Minodora and Ana for their exceptional work on the set, Razvan for coordinating the program and helping with his technical expertise, Sebi for enchanting us with his guitar skills, Simona and Oana for their translation prowess, and our esteemed guests, Manfred and Ewald. A special thank you to all the participants who chose to share this meaningful time with us. Lastly, sincere appreciation goes to Ethos for their generous sponsorship. May the Lord bestow blessings upon each and every one of you.

Pais Naomi-Estera
Medic Resident at Spitalul Judetean de Urgente Craiova