Games and Remedies

This year, spring made its appearance with many flowers and cheerful spirits at our meeting of medical professionals. 

Our team had a wonderful idea by organizing a decoration workshop where we allowed the participants, and even encouraged the gentlemen, to create a floral bouquet and offer it to a girl or lady in their life as a gesture of gratitude and appreciation for the opening of the spring season.

I believe our girls were the most enthusiastic and happy, being able to leave with a bouquet of tulips made by their own hands according to their design. 

We want to thank Michal, a very kind girl who guided us in this workshop and shared her experience and talent in floral design with us. Thanks for everything she provided and for her dedication.

We continued the evening with a biblical discussion led by Lucian about the advantages and disadvantages that involvement in these recreational activities could offer. Of course, there are many advantages, such as the satisfaction of winning the game, the opportunity to build closer relationships with those you play with, the chance to "nurture the child within you" and awaken those feelings of childhood, the possibility to develop your intellect, imagination, and creativity, as well as improving teamwork spirit. An important aspect is that we learn how to manage our emotions well when competing with someone.

As enjoyable and relaxing as these board games might be, along with our participants, we also identified some disadvantages, such as the potential for addiction, the development of a competitive nature, feelings of envy, and disappointment.

The main idea highlighted by Lucian, which we took home, was that these games should bring out the best and pleasing aspects in us, not the negative side that is inherent in our earthly nature. Let's take only what is good from the concept of these board games.Thanks to Lucian for preparing this message and for pointing out things that we probably hadn't thought about before. 

As it was a game night, we all took advantage of it and relaxed, especially our students who had just gone through an exam session. 

We enjoyed together and tried various games, some unknown, others challenging and quite interesting. We relived childhood and set free the child within the serious and worried adults that we have become, as some of us say.

The evening ended with joy, many smiles, perhaps some disappointments from not winning all the games, but I believe we left resigned and with the message of the evening in mind. Thanks to our team for all the help provided, and to Ethos through which we managed to create a special evening for our medical professionals.

Pais Naomi Estera

Medic Resident at Spitalul Judetean de Urgente Craiova

Games and Remedies
Pais Naomi March 11, 2024
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Neonatology - Care for the Little Ones