Neonatology - Care for the Little Ones

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.( Ps 139: 13-16)

These verses emphasize the importance of each individual and the way in which God is involved in the process of creation and birth.

Certainly, you have noticed that for this gathering, I have chosen a medical theme, namely neonatology - the care of the little ones among us. We will explore how faith intersects with this medical branch, bringing into discussion sensitive and relevant aspects regarding the care of newborns.

This medical field focuses on the care of newborns, especially those born prematurely or with medical conditions. While medical aspects are essential, today we will explore the human and spiritual dimensions associated with this theme.

In the context of neonatology, we are often witnesses to impressive struggles for life of prematurely born or seriously ill children. These moments are challenging not only for parents but also for the entire family. However, in such trying times, we confidently turn to prayer and believe in the divine presence that watches over these vulnerable souls.

This medical field focuses on the care of newborns, especially those born prematurely or with medical conditions. While medical aspects are essential, today we will explore the human and spiritual dimensions associated with this theme.

The theme of neonatology reminds us of the fragility of life and the need to come together in mutual support in the face of challenges. Our trust in God and our actions guided by love and compassion can bring hope and healing in the midst of trials. Let us strive to be such beacons of light and love every day in our Christian journey.

We began the evening in a friendly and elegant setting carefully crafted by the talented Ethos Impact team. The atmosphere was filled with joy, and the hearts of those present radiated warmth and enthusiasm.

We had the joy of praying and singing together, accompanied by Beni Savu, a young Christian from our group, to whom we extend sincere thanks for consistently responding positively to our invitations.

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I was delighted to observe how people forged friendships and became increasingly comfortable with each other during these gatherings.

This time, we chose a different game to start the evening (Icebreaker) and lighten the mood among our participants. Each person present was encouraged to share an event from their own life in which they witnessed the hand of the Lord at work or a miracle they had witnessed. It was a special moment in which we connected more deeply with God and with each other. People opened up gradually, choosing to become vulnerable, bringing us closer together.

Our friend and colleague, Dr. Delia-Iuliana Mogan, a specialist in neonatology, captivated us with her presentation about the fascinating world of neonatology. She emphasized how wonderful yet challenging this field can be. A neonatologist plays a crucial role, acting as a link between the fields of gynecology, the delivery room, and the pediatrician who will monitor the patient's progress in the first 28 days of their life.

I have deep respect for doctors working in high-risk specialties like neonatology, where one is constantly challenged to be prepared for situations that could take an unfavorable turn in the lives of these little ones. In this specialty, it is essential to maintain a necessary distance to avoid getting too attached to these vulnerable children while having the capacity to provide a generous dose of love and care.

The presentation provided a wealth of useful information that all present, as future parents, can use. I strongly believe it adequately prepared each of us in this regard. Following this, we had a question and answer session, a moment eagerly anticipated by our colleague and all of us.

After such a presentation, where we all focused on the information presented, I felt that a song often fulfills its role in relaxing furrowed brows, including ours. I firmly believe that there is never too much or too little when it comes to singing and praising the Lord.

Lucian guided us through a discussion that began with the creation of the world, as described in Genesis 1:26-27: "...God made man in His own image, in the image of God He created him...". The discussion evolved from the creation of the human being, prompting us to answer an intriguing question: Are we like the Lord Jesus in appearance? Or do the words "image" and "likeness" have a different meaning in these verses? I leave this question for you to ponder. Here's a hint: Look in the mirror! Here, I am referring to the mirror of the soul, not the one in the bathroom.

Thank you very much, Lucian, for the prepared topics that always encourage us to look more and more towards our Lord in the various situations we go through.

We concluded the evening with a time of socializing as our guests expressed a desire to stay for more fellowship, which greatly delighted and encouraged us.

I want to thank everyone for their participation, our Ethos Impact team, the medical professionals, and our guitarist, Beni, who assisted us this time.

Pais Naomi-Estera

Medic Resident at Spitalul Judetean de Urgente Craiova

Neonatology - Care for the Little Ones
Pais Naomi December 7, 2023
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