This time, we thought about organizing a gastronomic-themed meeting. Since we all enjoy sharing a meal and having conversations, we considered it a very good idea for the young Christians to get to know each other.
We chose to go with a barbecue, knowing that everyone loves the smell of grilled food. Naturally, for this occasion, we were fortunate to have our dependable helpers who did an outstanding job with both the cuisine and all the necessary preparations.
As the barbecue sizzled, we came together to hear from our beloved Simona, who had an important message to convey—the essence of our gathering and the mission of Ethos Impact.
Acknowledging that the Lord should hold precedence in all things, and that all endeavors should commence with Him and offer Him praise, we deemed it apt for Brother Bogdan to share insights from the Word of the Lord regarding our youth, guiding us on how to live it in obedience to the Lord and make choices that bring Him delight.
Ecclesiastes 11:9
"You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment."
Once the grill was ready, we all gathered, thanking the Lord for everything that lay ahead, and we all eagerly rushed to taste the carefully and lovingly prepared dishes.
After such a splendid meal, the inevitable knowledge games followed, along with a lot of cheerful spirits.
I believe the evening was a success because we managed to bring together young people who didn't know each other but shared the most important thing, which is the Lord Jesus. They were young individuals who reunited after some time, guided by the ever-present word of the Lord and the sense of family that the Lord's presence instilled in each of us, through singing, prayer, and a lot of cheerful spirits.
We extend our gratitude to all those who were involved, as well as to Ethos for their support. May the Lord bless each and every one of you!

Naomi-Estera Pais
Medic Resident at Spitalul Judetean de Urgente Craiova